Saturday, February 6, 2016


Iowa Farm Boy - June, 1947

It is Your Duty

The cretaceous beds average one thousand feet in thickness; they consist of the shells and skeletons of myriads of generations of minute animalcule deposited on the bed of the ocean. 

The length of these periods is beyond our computation: we only know that it was enormous.Thus did God carefully, slowly, with enormous power and wisdom, prepare this world during millions of years to be your habitation.  

It is your duty to sum up the offices of all creatures by rendering praise and glory for them all to their Creator, and by recognizing the perfections that He manifests in them, His immensity, omnipotence, wisdom, beauty and love.

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New York Public Library - 1944

Wonder at it and Worship God

There more mysteries in God's words and works than you can fathom. You see only the surface.  Pray God for full intelligence. You cannot attain to it by your natural powers.  

How wonderful is the harmony of revelation and nature, of God's words and His works! Let there be a similar harmony between your words and works, between your faith and your life.

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Buckrus Boys Telescope, 1955

Wonder at it and Worship God

Our telescopes cannot penetrate to the ends of the starry world; yet perhaps this is only one corner of the whole of Creation; and all creation is no more than the ante-chamber of the divine infinity. God is greater and farm beyond all this.  

How wonderful will be the sight of Him face to face as He is! We can never adore Him and humble ourselves enough before Him. How can creatures dare to disobey, despise, insult, deny such a God! How much will they lose by that folly and sin!

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Half Wild Pigs, Jamaica, 1952

Records of Geology

The waters that were under heaven were gathered together so that the dry land appeared, and the earth brought forth the green herb(Gen. i. 9-12)

All was foreseen, all was decreed, and all came about in due course through the action of the irresistible will of God. Do not dare to oppose that calm, eternal, universal, overwhelming force.

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Maintaining a Roadside Shrine, Quebec, 1942

Contrivances of Nature

Admire the wonderful and gigantic contrivances of nature, i.e., of the Author of nature, by which He brings about His purposes. Equally wonderful, though more hidden, are the spiritual contrivances by which He leads you to salvation.

In the words of the Scriptures call on the winds and rains, the heat and cold, to bless the name of the Lord by carrying out His will and manifesting His perfections.

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Play: "Child Of The Morning" by C.B. Luce - Photo by Alfred Eisenstaedt

Glimmer of Grace

"And God said, Be light made" (ib.).  This was the first step in the evolution of the earth and represents the first glimmer of grace in our souls. By fidelity to this, "the path of the just, as a shining light, goeth forwards and increaseth even to perfect day" (Prov. iv. 18).

Pray God for light, and be careful to follow it.

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Coronado Park, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA, 2014 - Photo by My Mother Mary 

The Creation of The World

Every creature asks the question, Whence did the universe come?  Men have forgotten the truth, or perverted it, or overlaid it with their speculations.  God, therefore, proclaims to us as the first truth of the natural order and the moral order; "In the beginning God created heaven and earth" (Gen. i.1). The deepest gratitude is due for these brief words.  They save us from fatal errors; they are the dawn of spiritual light.

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